澳大利亚越来越多的企业开始用在线课程取代传统的员工培训方式. 如果你习惯了面对面进行所有的培训,并且不确定如何从屏幕上学习, you’re probably wondering what the big deal is all about. While there are pros and cons to both training methods, 通过这篇文章,我们希望向您展示集成的一些好处 eLearning solutions with your business processes are very real.

1. Save on costs

Save on costs

对于任何考虑改变员工培训的企业主来说,这无疑是最重要的因素之一. While custom course development 听起来像一个昂贵的冒险,节省实际上可以及早实现. With traditional staff training methods, you’d have to consider travel costs for staff, travel and wage costs for trainers, and not to mention costs for classroom or boardroom usage, electricity and so on. 现在想象一下员工流动率较高的企业所面临的成本. Developing custom eLearning courses might have a high initial development cost, 但是,一旦这些课程被开发出来,并根据您的业务需求进行定制, 每个新员工都可以使用完全相同的课程,而不需要安排课堂培训课程.

2. Increase training flexibility and convenience

Increase training flexibility and convenience

One of the great things about custom eLearning course development is the accompanying flexibility and convenience. 这对在多个地点运营的大型企业尤其有利. 电子学习消除了物理设施和现场培训的必要性. 对你的员工来说,这意味着他们现在有机会随时完成培训, and are not restricted by training schedules. 这对那些住得离工作地点很远的人尤其有用, 或者面对任何可能影响其在预定会议期间可用性的意外情况. 对企业主和经理来说,这意味着你不必把办公时间花在教学和培训上. This is especially useful if you have a variety of staff, all of whom need training in separate areas.

3. Cut down learning times

Cut down learning times

电子学习课程可以跨越地理边界即时交付, enabling a much greater efficiency of training. 精心设计的课程有效地利用了动画、图像甚至游戏化等特点. 所有这些都使学习体验更有吸引力. eLearning has also been proven to increase retention rates, particularly because employees can now learn at their own pace, 而不是努力跟上更快的学习者或不得不放慢别人的步伐. 学习者还可以专注于存在公认知识空白的特定主题.

4. Maintain (and even increase) your productivity

Maintain your productivity

The amount of time saved with eLearning is staggering, 特别是考虑到每个员工和教练的旅行时间, 以及花在其他活动上的时间,比如介绍会, setting up equipment. 适用于利用高级职员进行入门或培训课程的组织, 当他们专注于日常工作而不是培训新员工时,他们节省的每一个小时都能转化为更高水平的生产力. In addition, 学习时间的减少意味着那些想要进一步发展技能的人现在可以在花同样的时间的情况下这样做. 有机会学习和成长的员工能够更好地为他们正在进行的角色增加更多价值.

5. Monitor individual performance

Monitor individual performance

不可避免地会有一个员工在一段时间后不参加或不参与培训. While you can administer tests after training sessions, 要准确衡量员工的学习能力是很困难的. 在线学习不仅可以让你定期检查他们对培训材料的理解, but also to monitor the status, 每位员工的培训进度和课程完成情况.

虽然用电子学习取代所有的培训方法听起来令人生畏, 没有任何形式的保证,它将如何为您的业务工作, 通过这篇文章,我们探讨了将电子学习解决方案集成到他们的流程中,大多数企业可以期望的一些关键好处. 一个好的起点是逐渐引入一些在线学习元素,并分析新方法如何与现有方法相辅相成. Pretty soon you’ll be making a full switch to eLearning! 了解更多有关电子学习解决方案如何帮助您提高业务效率和节省成本的信息, get in touch today and we’ll arrange for your free consultation!